Friday, February 15, 2008

Yippee Day!

It took almost forever, but Friday finally got here! Friday was dubbed 'yippee day' by my brother & I when we were little. There is even a plaque on the wall at the daycare we attended that talks about it :) Now that I think about it, my dad probably had it made & put it up there (he likes to laminate & frame EVERYTHING), but hey...there's still something on the wall with our names on it!!

I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! Mine was spent with Brenden, my mom, & my dad. Daniel was on shift :( We had a great time though! Ordered in chinese, had GINORMOUS chocolate covered strawberries-that my dad brought for me, & played hockey in the kitchen. Doesn't get much better than that!

On yippee day, we have a little tradition that we do with Brenden. In the morning, on the way to TayTay's house we stop at the donut (or nano-that's what brenden calls it) store & he gets to get 6 chocolate donut holes. Ofcourse, Daniel & I stock up too! I like to have little things like that during the week that we can all look forward to as a family. It also helps with being a privledge that can be taken away, but that hasn't had to happen just yet!

Even with the nasty weather we're supposed to have, I hope you all make the best of this weekend!!