Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's Getting Closer!

Dad's big helper!
Another big helper!
Little gardener!
Tree hugger :)
My crazy chocolate man!

Spring is in the air-we can smell it! This week has just been beauitful! We went and bought a couple more trees for the back yard. For those of you who care to know :), we got a red maple & a peach tree. I wanted to get Brenden a fruit tree that he could watch grow & help take care of. I thought it would be fun! He also planted strawberry seeds, so hopefully those will do well.

The last picture is Easton. He flips out when we get a flaslight out, or when he sees a reflection of light! He was helping Daniel put together a small light that we can use outside or in the gargage. He couldn't wait for him to turn it on! Once Daniel did, he started jumping up to the ceiling trying to get it. Sorry it's a little blurry-he was moving too fast!


Renae said...

How cute !! Brenden is getting so big.