Posted by Kelsie at 3:29 PM 2 comments
Brenden tries to take bigger bites of food than he should sometimes. We have told him that he has a baby mouth & daddy has a big mouth, so he can't take bites as big as dad. Well, now he tries to tell us he has a big mouth like dad & I have a baby mouth. I guess this is proof! lol This is a full hard boiled egg over halfway in his mouth! He thought it was pretty funny!
Posted by Kelsie at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Something apparently made Brenden really excited & silly the other night during dinner. He started making funny faces while shaking his head & moving his arms real fast. I don't know how to explain it-you just had to be there! He liked the attention that he was getting from it though; he kept telling me to take more pictures & he wanted to see it after each one. haha Silly man :)
Posted by Kelsie at 1:18 PM 0 comments
I don't know what to title this post. This is my lovely dog making a fool of himself! It's a little embarrassing to me, but I thought I should share it. He loved all the dirt & mud that was being dug up to plant the trees, he just decided to lay on it. Well, I guess he got some in his throat & coughed really big at the exact time I took this picture. Gotta love 'em!
Posted by Kelsie at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Brenden got his first pair of roller blades last week! He is so excited! We have gone ice skating a few times (which he really enjoys), but this was his first time with roller blades. We took him around the neighborhood for a while & he did pretty good. Towards the end of our walk I think he was getting tired, because he just wanted to go back to the house & get his 4-wheeler. Soon, we want to take him up the street to an outdoor roller hockey rink for him to play at. He won't be able to play ice hockey until he's about 4 I think, so him & dad playing roller together will have to do for now :)
Posted by Kelsie at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Dad's big helper!
Another big helper!
Little gardener!
Tree hugger :)
My crazy chocolate man!
Spring is in the air-we can smell it! This week has just been beauitful! We went and bought a couple more trees for the back yard. For those of you who care to know :), we got a red maple & a peach tree. I wanted to get Brenden a fruit tree that he could watch grow & help take care of. I thought it would be fun! He also planted strawberry seeds, so hopefully those will do well.
The last picture is Easton. He flips out when we get a flaslight out, or when he sees a reflection of light! He was helping Daniel put together a small light that we can use outside or in the gargage. He couldn't wait for him to turn it on! Once Daniel did, he started jumping up to the ceiling trying to get it. Sorry it's a little blurry-he was moving too fast!
Posted by Kelsie at 2:27 PM 1 comments
Here are SOME of the goodies Daniel & I got at the Chocolate Fest last weekend! We had a good time! They give you 10 coupons each to go around & get samples from different vendors. My favorite was the fondue with fruit and poundcake-which you don't see, because I think it was gone before it hit my plate!!
Posted by Kelsie at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Well, snow really-but whatever! The song says ice & it sounds better :) Ok, it is almost spring & we're in Texas & it decides to snow 5 inches! It is beautiful though! When I got of work yesterday it took me an hour & 43 minutes to get home. To drive 12 miles!?! I think God just wanted us all to be still in the moment & look around-be grateful for what we have. It was so peaceful! I had my Kari Jobe cd playing & I was just trying to take it all in. It was awesome. When it snows, everything just becomes still to me. I just sit back & say thank you!
Not much went on this week. Not a lot going on this weekend either, actually. I guess that's good sometimes. I'm dragging Daniel with me tomorrow to a Chocolate Fest! I think this is going to almost be the best thing I've ever gone to in my life!! I'm so excited!
Posted by Kelsie at 12:02 PM 2 comments