Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Firefighter Crow

Brenden was a fireman for halloween this year...who would've guessed!?! This is actually the first year he has been one. This costume is awesome! Ordered it online, kinda expensive, but looks & feels just like Daniel's bunker gear & he can wear it for a long time for dress up. It came with the jacket, pants (with suspenders & all!) & helmet. I added the letters & Daniel brought home some of his accessories for him.

My munchkin & I, ready for trick-r-treating!

My two handsome firemen! He used Daniel's fire boot for his candy bag :) It, of course, was lined with a target bag!

My mom's company has a big halloween party every year & this year...guess who won the costume contest??? hmmm....
I just couldn't pass up posting this cute picture. Going potty in the "big boy potty." :) Daniel was in there-not me, just in case anyone was wondering.Hope you all had a nice halloween. Now, it's time for the hustle & bustle of the holidays.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

he had the pig flu!

yep, daniel was oinkin' a couple weeks back with the swine flu! :) although, it was not very funny at the time.

he had been having an annoying cough for about a month, if not longer, that started from his allergies. finally went to the doctor & they said he had bronchitis (which i thought was odd-it was not like the bronchitis i've had!), they gave him a z-pack & a steroid inhaler. that very next day he was so much worse, we didn't know what was wrong. he began having fever & coughing pretty bad. that night (or next morning) he woke me up, calling me from the bathroom. he was laying on the floor & couldn't move. i took his temperature & it was 104!!! uh, that's not good. i called our doctor's office & left a message for them to call me right away in the morning. i didn't know if he was allergic to the medicine, or what i should do.

brenden was home from school that week (we took him out of primrose-that's the next post-i have so much to catch up on it's not even funny), so i took him into work with me for a bit, so he wouldn't have to be home with daniel. his fever had gone down like 2 degrees, with quite a bit of medicine, so i thought he was ok to leave for a bit for some rest.

one of the times i called to check on him, he told me to come home & take him to the hospital-which i was shocked for daniel to say that. on the way to the hospital, all i could do was pray. i swear, i just knew he was going to go unconscious on me. he was not good at all!

our primary dr made us come by his office first, so he could do blood work real quick (because if it was the flu, we didn't need to go to the hospital). blood test came back negative for flu. he told me to go ahead & take him in, thinking it was meningitis. by this point, i was shaking-so nervous! they took him into the ER right when we walked in. while we were in there, his fever finally started to break, after like 8 pills!

so, more blood was taken. thankfully this ER dr didn't think it was meningitis, so daniel did not have to do the test from his spine to check for that. but the flu tests still came back negative. come to find out, with the swine flu...only 10% of the people that have it, do their tests come back positive! what's the point of the dang test then?? they gave daniel some medicine to take home & we were able to leave that night.

the turn around was amazing. the next day he was so much better. you would've never known how sick he was the day before. here are two pictures from the hospital...

brenden playing games on my phone & texting bubba & bamaw :) daniel trying not to die...
and, attempting to fix his hair-he knew where these pics were going. haha i told him don't bother, it wouldn't do any good, he hadn't taken a shower in like two days!

we are very thankful he's all better now! i know this is a bit long & drawn out, but i wanted to get it all documented while we remembered it :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

only a tiny piece of wisdom remains

about three weeks ago, i had my wisdom teeth pulled. 3 of them, so i still have one! my top right one is way up in there, & he was so kind & decided not to ruin my sinuses trying to retrieve it.

so, the plan was to have "conscious sedation." i had wanted to be put under, but would've had to go to an oral surgeon. and, i just knew the two sleeping pills they told me i would get, along with the gas, would put me out real quick, so i was fine with it. yea, i was awake. never fell asleep. he even had to give me a couple more shots because i could feel pressure. oh, and the gas thing; well, i was very nervous & had been crying a little bit, so my nose was stopped up-i couldn't breathe in any gas!!!

it wasn't as bad as it could've been though. while he was pulling them out, he said he was having to cut two of them out, because they were so strong. he said "wow, i wouldn't expect this from a little white girl, maybe a big black man, but not you!" haha i guess big black men have strong teeth?!?! :) then he said, you like milk don't you!? um, yes, that would be why i've already had two kidney stones. we love this dentist office, they are all so kind & try to do whatever they can to make you feel comfortable.

gettin' some gas, listening to sugarland...

the aftermath. daniel said he couldn't even tell where my chin was, i was so swollen. all of the swelling finally went away probably about a week & a half ago. it lasted longer than i thought it would. i am still bruised, to the touch, on both sides of my bottom jaw. oh, and i now sneeze different, which is a bit odd. and it is tight when i open my mouth to yawn. but whatever, no pain like it had been!

i tried to go back to work the monday after it was done (which was 4 days later), i was in so much pain. i had run out of pain medicine, they told me to take 4 motrin plus 4 tylenol. yep, nothing helped. i was afraid i had that dry socket stuff, but apparently it has a timing it likes to stick to-it won't be till 7 days after your teeth have been removed that you notice it. ok.?. she said i would be in quite a bit of post op pain because he had to cut away part of my gums & also get in close to the bone. well, i would've liked to had known what to expect!! so, they gave me more meds, & it finally got better.
frozen corn :)...
my boys took good care of me! while i was having the surgery done, daniel had left to get me flowers, a card, my pain meds & some ensure (the doctor wanted me to drink it). my parents also sent me a gift card for braums!! ;) and, um, from what i'm told...daniel & i went there after the dentist, but i don't remember any of it! later that night he was telling me something & i was like, what are you talking about?? he said when we drove through braums. uh, hun i didn't go to braums. he said, yep you did! haha! whatever, guess the sleeping pills had finally started to work.

i'm glad you only have to have your wisdom teeth out once. although i do like that hydrocodone stuff. just sayin.

Monday, August 17, 2009

fishy, fishy, fishy...

brenden had swim lessons these past two weeks. in this class, they learn just some of the basics, and she didn't let go of them to swim all on their own. that will happen in the next class. unless, i guess he picks it up before then-he sure loves being in the water. here he is with his teacher, miss jordan, doing the kicking motions...

swimmin' like a fishy...

after just going under...

and, on the last day, they got to go down the slide...
our little fishy with his swim certificate...

Friday, August 7, 2009


there's really nuthin' more to say. just pa-freakin-thetic! it's a dogs life :)
boy, he makes me giggle. he is such a good dog!! we've had him for about 2 months now, & he's great. daniel kinda makes fun of his teeth, but i think they're pretty darn cute. when he looks at you, this is how he usually is...

his top lip, tucked under his teeth. you're a great dog, booster!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

his new toy

well, little man got his first 'toy' over the fourth of july weekend. he was so excited when papa surprised him with it. we had planned on getting him one eventually, like within the next year or so. but, papa apparently had other plans ;) he also got an awesome helmet & gloves. here are a few pictures of him riding in our backyard...

if they made 4 wheelers for dogs, this one would have one! he barks at brenden when he stops for just a second, or when we don't go fast enough on ours.

now, you know they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree? well, it doesn't. a couple years ago, while we were a the lake house, daniel was riding our 4 wheeler. he went over a jump, but didn't slow down in time & couldn't turn fast enough, which landed him in a cedar tree! well, that's been a joke on him for quite some time. now, he has some company :) brenden was riding his in front of our house, coming from across the street. a little boy was riding his bike past our house, while watching brenden. he was not paying attention to what was in front of him, so his bike ran into the back of daniel's truck. brenden saw this happening & was not paying attention to where he was, either. as daniel & i were yelling "stop!" he popped the curb in front off our house & hit one of our baby maple trees with his 4 wheeler :( so, he rammed a tree, just like daddy! i had to take a few pictures of this 'first'. if you look at the front silver part, you can see fresh bark in two places...

and, here are the two places scraped off the tree...

thanks bamaw & papa-he loves it ;)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

booster has a wang infection

yep, my dog has an infection in his junk. kinda gross, but at least it's gonna be fixed!

we took him to the vet this morning, because i thought he may have pink eye. i noticed it on monday evening, then, this morning i noticed that easton's eye was real red & had junk coming out of it. i didn't want to have to pay for two exams, so i figured i would use booster's medicine for easton too. i mentioned that to the vet (we go here all the time, but i have never seen this dr), & he said well, he probably has a cut in his eye. oh, really!? both of my dogs have a cut in their eye-at the same time!?! sure.

i told him i thought it was probably pink eye. he said "dogs don't get pink eye like we do." so when i called on monday night, they were lying... oh, & all the stuff i read online yesterday was wrong too???

he put the dye into booster's eye to check for the cut, but didn't see one. hmm, surprise there. he said he would bring the drops back in to us-never saw him again, the assistant helped us.

she came in with the drops, i asked her what was wrong with his eye. she said "he has conjunctivitis." i asked "pink eye?" she said, "yep, pretty much." oh!!! :)

i then mentioned something about the other infection. let's just say i had noticed the same greenish, yellowish gunk (like with his pink eye) coming from him, but didn't know from where. i had, um, seen it on the wall by his pillow (from when he shakes after he wakes up). so, we now have cream we get to put on him, down there! this is gonna be fun :0

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

another year older...

my birthday was monday, & i just wanted to post a few misc pictures from that. on sunday night, my mom fixed me a yummy dinner at their house. here's brenden singing happy birthday. those 4 different cheesecakes were my birthday cake-the vanilla bean one was very yummy!
on monday night they came to our side of town, because i wanted to have dinner at casa rita's. this place has the best mexican food ever, as well as raspberry tea! we go there quite often :) here's me & my lil' thug...

me & my handsome hubby :)
my parents said you can sure tell we're brother & sister. i can't see the resemblance ;)
my brother, bren, mom, & dad enjoying dessert-don't worry, daniel & i were enjoying ours too! i always have room for dessert...

i also got surprised with a cake & lots of well wishes at work! it was nice.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brenden's 4th Birthday Party

Brenden had a great birthday, we had a fun time celebrating with so many friends & family. Can't believe he's four. Now he keeps saying, next time I'm going to be five! Slow down a little, Buddy. Here are a few pictures from his party...

Daniel, Brenden & I during cupcake time. He wanted to put his jumbo cupcake on top of his new skateboard we got him, so that's why it's on the table :)

Opening presents. Got some spending cash, along with so many great presents! It amazes me, that from all his birthdays (all four of them ;)), he has only gotten one duplicate item!
Some of the friends & family...
With his new skateboard...
My mom, my aunt & my grandmother, getting some baby love :)
Playing out in our backyard. We love being out here!

We love you little man, we hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blueberry Farm

anyone need some blueberries?? we've got plenty! two gallons worth to be exact :) this past weekend we went to my boss' in-law's place. they have a blueberry farm with a ton of beautiful blueberry bushes!! first time we had gone & we had a good time! made a little day trip out of it.
they grow them organically there, so we would just eat as we picked :)

this little man was pretty smart, he knew where the good food was. can you find him?

we got there around 11:00 & it was already pretty hot. so i was glad brenden would find bushes, plop down under them & start pickin'. he would partly be in the shade.
daniel & i, courtesy of brenden crow...

little man & i with one of our buckets.

daniel & brenden running through the bushes. brenden always says "i'm faster of you." cutest thing!

he stole my camera as we were taking a water break. i found so many cute & good pictures once i looked at it. here's one of them, he did this himself. i just giggle every time i see it. such a ham!

and this is how he looked (and we felt) on the way home-before we stopped at dairy queen!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

am i four yet?

First thing I heard Friday morning...whispering, "mom, am I four yet?" Yes, little man, you are four.
Yesterday my baby boy turned four. Could you please pass the Kleenex?? Oh, the love we have for this little man is unbelievable! No words.
Friday was his day. We went for donuts before school (which we do every Friday, but it was his birthday so it made it more special). Friday was silly hat day at school, so that would explain the hockey helmet :)
I made dirt cupcakes for his school...
Saying the blessing before eating the cupcakes :)...
Couldn't pass this up. I'm sure one day he will be a bit embarrassed...
To be even, I will embarrass myself...
Then, we needed to go get his blood drawn for his endocrine appt next week. We felt awful doing it on his birthday, but thought with all the other things we had planned, he wouldn't think about it too much. He took it like a man :)
On to the bounce house place!
My cousin, his wife & their 3 kids met us there. Here's Brenden & Wes acting like monkeys...
Got home, after eating dinner at one of his favorite places-Chick fil A, and opened the things Daniel & I got for him. One of which was a pair of roller blades. He loved them & had to try them out immediately. Getting ready for the ice hockey skates :)
We had also planned on mowing because he loves doing that-and we needed to. And he wanted to take the training wheels off his bike & try riding it without them, for the first time. But, this rolled in & rained on our parade...We had a wonderful day! His party is Sunday, so I will post then!