First thing I heard Friday morning...whispering, "mom, am I four yet?" Yes, little man, you are four.
Yesterday my baby boy turned four. Could you please pass the Kleenex?? Oh, the love we have for this little man is unbelievable! No words.
Friday was his day. We went for donuts before school (which we do every Friday, but it was his birthday so it made it more special). Friday was silly hat day at school, so that would explain the hockey helmet :)
I made dirt cupcakes for his school...
Saying the blessing before eating the cupcakes :)...
Couldn't pass this up. I'm sure one day he will be a bit embarrassed...
To be even, I will embarrass myself...
Then, we needed to go get his blood drawn for his endocrine appt next week. We felt awful doing it on his birthday, but thought with all the other things we had planned, he wouldn't think about it too much. He took it like a man :)
On to the bounce house place!
My cousin, his wife & their 3 kids met us there. Here's Brenden & Wes acting like monkeys...
Got home, after eating dinner at one of his favorite places-Chick fil A, and opened the things Daniel & I got for him. One of which was a pair of roller blades. He loved them & had to try them out immediately. Getting ready for the ice hockey skates :)
We had also planned on mowing because he loves doing that-and we needed to. And he wanted to take the training wheels off his bike & try riding it without them, for the first time. But, this rolled in & rained on our parade...
We had a wonderful day! His party is Sunday, so I will post then!
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