about three weeks ago, i had my wisdom teeth pulled. 3 of them, so i still have one! my top right one is way up in there, & he was so kind & decided not to ruin my sinuses trying to retrieve it.
so, the plan was to have "conscious sedation." i had wanted to be put under, but would've had to go to an oral surgeon. and, i just knew the two sleeping pills they told me i would get, along with the gas, would put me out real quick, so i was fine with it. yea, i was awake. never fell asleep. he even had to give me a couple more shots because i could feel pressure. oh, and the gas thing; well, i was very nervous & had been crying a little bit, so my nose was stopped up-i couldn't breathe in any gas!!!
it wasn't as bad as it could've been though. while he was pulling them out, he said he was having to cut two of them out, because they were so strong. he said "wow, i wouldn't expect this from a little white girl, maybe a big black man, but not you!" haha i guess big black men have strong teeth?!?! :) then he said, you like milk don't you!? um, yes, that would be why i've already had two kidney stones. we love this dentist office, they are all so kind & try to do whatever they can to make you feel comfortable.
gettin' some gas, listening to sugarland...
the aftermath. daniel said he couldn't even tell where my chin was, i was so swollen. all of the swelling finally went away probably about a week & a half ago. it lasted longer than i thought it would. i am still bruised, to the touch, on both sides of my bottom jaw. oh, and i now sneeze different, which is a bit odd. and it is tight when i open my mouth to yawn. but whatever, no pain like it had been!
i tried to go back to work the monday after it was done (which was 4 days later), i was in so much pain. i had run out of pain medicine, they told me to take 4 motrin plus 4 tylenol. yep, nothing helped. i was afraid i had that dry socket stuff, but apparently it has a timing it likes to stick to-it won't be till 7 days after your teeth have been removed that you notice it. ok.?. she said i would be in quite a bit of post op pain because he had to cut away part of my gums & also get in close to the bone. well, i would've liked to had known what to expect!! so, they gave me more meds, & it finally got better.frozen corn :)...
my boys took good care of me! while i was having the surgery done, daniel had left to get me flowers, a card, my pain meds & some ensure (the doctor wanted me to drink it). my parents also sent me a gift card for braums!! ;) and, um, from what i'm told...daniel & i went there after the dentist, but i don't remember any of it! later that night he was telling me something & i was like, what are you talking about?? he said when we drove through braums. uh, hun i didn't go to braums. he said, yep you did! haha! whatever, guess the sleeping pills had finally started to work.
i'm glad you only have to have your wisdom teeth out once. although i do like that hydrocodone stuff. just sayin.