Thursday, August 28, 2008
Scratch & Sniff
Posted by Kelsie at 12:39 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Quick Weekend Getaway
Fountains outside hotel, where we took a nice walk after breakfast.
We also had to stop at Wooley's for ice cream!!! ;)Then we finished off the weekend at another one of Bubba's which, we were told, most of the goals were scored for Brenden & I! lol
Bubba (#71) & Doodle
We really enjoyed the little time we had away for the weekend! We love that we are able to do things like this!!
Posted by Kelsie at 10:21 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
under construction...update!
it's fixed :)
pardon my messed up blog-i know it's tacky lookin'! i have changed templates, but need to fix something, & my hubby's gonna help. i'm not into all the techy stuff :)
Posted by Kelsie at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Find the Chocolate
Posted by Kelsie at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Awesome Weekend

This was how our Sunday morning began...with drums! While we were getting ready for church, Brenden got his drum out, then Daniel went & got two pans out, & the beat began! He keeps beats really well, I can't wait to see if he will do something with music. I'm sure we'll be getting a drum set for Christmas ;)
Oh, and the tongue always helps! :)
Sunday night we went to my parent's house for dinner & had a good time there too! Not too many things planned for this next weekend, but I'm sure something will come up. We have so much fun doing things together & going places, we can't just sit around the house! :)
Posted by Kelsie at 10:21 AM 2 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Brenden's first single. He wrote (made) it all on his own :)
Posted by Kelsie at 8:20 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What will he say next??
I guess it should be 'what will they say next'. Although Brenden has learned so many amazing things at school, he has also learned a few not so amazing things from the lovely kids there.
Two weeks ago he was eating a pop tart & started making boom-boom noises while he was holding it in his hand. I said, what are you doing? He kinda smirked at me & said "I'm shooting people"! What!?! I then had a little talk with him about guns. We don't talk about guns & he surely doesn't see them on our tv. I asked him who does that & he started naming a couple boys at school. He said, "only bad people, only shoot bad people". Yea, well, I told him we don't shoot anyone & we don't talk about or play with guns! He has attempted to shoot things since then, but we just continue to talk about it with him & he seems to be getting the point. His teacher has already previously talked to the two main boys' parents, so hopefully it will all stop soon. If the parent's do their job!!
Tuesday after we got home, he said poopy-butt. I asked him if he was calling someone that, or if somebody had a poopy-butt today. lol He kinda just blew it off. Then later he tried to call me a poopy-butt! Excuse me...then we had another little talk about that not being a nice thing to call people. Have not heard it since ;)
This is not a bad thing, it's just really cute. On Monday we were driving to the store & he said "wha ka heck" (what the heck)! It was so funny. He didn't just say it once, he said it over & over! wha ka heck, wha ka heck, wha ka heck Daniel & I couldn't hold ourselves together-we busted up! Brenden giggled too & then continued with it! It's so cute hearing him say it.
Anyway, just a few of the things he says that I want to remember!
Posted by Kelsie at 10:36 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Shoo Fly!!
Another Monday morning! We had a pretty low-key weekend, which was nice. Friday the three of us went to Babe's for dinner. For those of you who don't know about Babe's...I'm sorry. It was very yummy!! Brenden was not feeling too well, because of his allergies, so all he wanted to eat was a biscuit & honey. Saturday he said he wanted to go to the 'Christmas store' (Hobby Lobby), so we walked around there for a while.
Yesterday, after church, we went to lunch at Cheddars. The service at this place blows!!! But we go there ALL the time, because it's yummy. Well, this time, the service was ok other than getting a couple things wrong on our order. But...for some reason there were quite a few (too many) flies in there. We were waving our hands all over the place so they wouldn't land on our food or drinks. I felt like we were at a dang picnic! Brenden would look around & giggle, then say "look, there's two flies on that lady's back." haha!! Needless to say, we ate & ran!
Had a couple hockey games yesterday too. Daniel's (which Brenden & I did not go to this time) and Bubba's (we went to his). It was good to see him play! Because of the times his are usually at, we have not been able to go to one of his games in a while. I'm his biggest fan ;) They both lost their games, but they both had a goal!! Anyway...I know most of you aren't hockey fans, sorry to bore you :) I guess you also won't care to hear that Star's preseason begins Sept. 23rd!?!? lol
I just have to add this in...Brenden can count to 10 in Spanish!!! He also counts to 27 in English! I am so proud of him :)
Posted by Kelsie at 10:11 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Isn't he beautiful?
Posted by Kelsie at 4:19 PM 2 comments