seriously. mr dyson, you're amazing. expensive, but amazing. i got a purple dyson last night, & i can't wait to get home & vacuum, to make pretty little lines all over the carpet. again. i did last night already. i have wanted one for a couple years now & finally!!! so excited. our 7yr old clunker of a vacuum worked ok, but it's like 50lbs, wouldn't turn well, & kinda stunk. i am d.o.n.e. with it! never again. have i said i am excited?? we were at target, walking around & daniel just plopped the box in our cart. uh, um, what are you doing? it took my breath away, honestly. excited!!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
i can't stop vacuuming!!
Posted by Kelsie at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Weekend What-nots
So, we were worn out from the weekend, but it was a lot of fun & still beautiful weather! Leaving the station, Brenden said "Jesus, Jesus, thank you for this beautiful day!" Priceless.
Posted by Kelsie at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
recovering & catching up
it took about two weeks, but i think the three of us are finally as close to "normal" as we can be. we all had the stomach virus. it started on easter :) brenden had it, then daniel, then i finally got it. thankfully mine was not as bad as theirs, but little man had the worst of it, i think. breaks my heart when he is sick. this was not just a 24hr thing either. it lasted each of us about 3 days! miserable. i did lose 5lbs so far though, so there is a plus to this thing!
i haven't even posted pics from easter. or the zoo several weeks ago, or so many other things. i have gotten way behind on my little online scrapbook thing i've got goin' on here! oh well. i will be catching up these next few days, maybe :) the weather has been so beautiful here lately it's all we can do to not spend the night outside. so, maybe i will lock myself indoors & start uploading some pictures. we'll see...
Posted by Kelsie at 10:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Weekend What-nots
Let's see if I can remember the weekend since it's, ya know, Wednesday already!
Friday night we met my mom, brother & grandmother at Red Robin for dinner, then they were going to take Brenden back to their house for the night, so we could do the garage sale. (whew-that sentence wore me out) My mom & Daniel's birthday is tomorrow, so they had coupons for free burgers. It was yummy :)
That night Daniel & I stayed up finishing things for the garage sale (which went a lot better than expected! got rid of a butt load of clothes!) He was putting together the two clothes racks we borrowed from my grandmother. These things are old, which means they were actually built worth while. He asked for my help to hold one side, while he twisted the other. He started twisting the darn thing before I had a hold of my end. This heavy, hard, metal clothes rack slammed into my ear! It hurt more than anything has in a long time. Right on the cartilage at the top. So, it turned all shades of pretty purple & swelled up a bit. Nice.
My dad got a new job a couple weeks ago, and he has email. My dad has never once worked on a computer. My mom has had him get on it to try it out & learn, but he has never had to do it for work. Well, he does get on it now to work. Which is pretty big for him, he is very insecure about it. Not really open to learning new things I think. He just sent me the second email I have ever received from him. The first was last week. Pretty neat!
It's been a little rough this week, for Doodle. And me I guess. He has been whiny, and a little bossy. And isn't putting his listening ears on too well, either! He had his new scooter taken away for 24hrs, and he didn't like that too well, so hopefully it will get better. I just keep praying for patience for me, as well as being equipped to be a great mom for him. I love him.
And my husband, I love him too ;) 11 years ago yesterday, he walked up & asked me for my number. Then I asked why. Ha! Dork. He still called me!
This is not really weekend what nots is it? More like, I'm at work, high on Sudafed, & would rather be writing non stop than doing anything productive. Whatever...
I'll just keep going. We have a realtor coming to look at our house tomorrow night. We'll see what she says. We (Daniel-not me) go back & forth on selling the house. Just keep praying that we will know God's will. The market is pretty good in our area now, so maybe it won't take long.
Tomorrow is Daniel's bday!!! 28-gettin on up there! Hope he's excited, he gets to go to a bonnet parade & egg hunt at Brenden's school, in the morning, then we clean the house for the realtor to come that night. Fun day :) My mom gets to work on her birthday(it's tomorrow too, like i said), so I guess that's not any better.
lata! pics to come after the egg hunt tomorrow!
Posted by Kelsie at 11:24 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
he melts me
this afternoon was a little rough.
little man & i were going to a few stores & i told him on the way "i want you to stay right beside me, ok!" (the stores we were going to did not have baskets for him to get into). of course, he says "ok!" first dang store we go to, he wants to stay at the front & play hop scotch on the tile. i let him have a few hops. then ask him to come with me. he trails behind...i remind him of what i said on the way. he was just determined to get to me; he then tries to hide by the front window, then in the corner of some racks, and tries to climb on a display thing in the middle of the store. i gave him a choice. he could quit acting the way he was, stay beside me, or we were not going to the pet store.
long story short, we did not go to any flippin' pet store!
as i was putting him to bed, i said that he could talk to Jesus & ask for his help in making better choices. after i walked out of his room, he kept singing & talking, then i hear "mom?" "mom!" so, i walk to his door, let him know he needs to go to sleep. he said, "i need you" i walk in & ask what he needs. (usually water or something to stall going to sleep) all he says is, "you're beautiful."
i give him hugs & kisses (while crying-happy tears(as he would say)), tell him thank you so much. i let him know how beautiful he is as well & tell him that he made my night.
he melts me. i love him to pieces.
Posted by Kelsie at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
garage sale time!
Posted by Kelsie at 12:33 PM 0 comments