Monday, April 21, 2008

Feeling Better

Munchkin wasn't feeling too well this weekend. Saturday afternoon we went to the Main Street Arts Festival & it was way too crowded! Way more than it has been in the years past. That many people packed onto one street-Not fun!! Brenden didn't want to walk most of the time, so we carried him (didn't know he didn't feel well at the time). Daniel got his foot spit on by some dude walking in front of him-not intentionally-his foot was just in the line of fire. It was gross! He said it was white & had something in it. Nasty!!! Anyway, we only stayed there for maybe 30 minutes then left & went other places.

That night Brenden started feeling bad & had a fever. Sunday was spent at home, on the couch, or in bed. He continued to run a fever & cough a little. I think he may have had pink eye too. Poor little man! I feel so bad for him when he doesn't feel good. He actually fell asleep in our bed! He has never done that! He climbed up into the bed as I was getting lunch together & told me to come look. When I was finally able to come look at him (two minutes later) he was zonked out! He had an early, and really good, nap. He seems to be feeling better today!


VNG said...

Gross, Kelsie!! Could have left description out!!


Bridget said...

Poor little guy. I hate it when they get sick. But I do like the extra cuddle time that I get. Is that wrong? I have not had my foot spit on before, but I did have someone throw up on my foot walking through the mall parking lot. Not fun.