Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Love Nest

We still have our Christmas garland hanging in the arch above our front door! Not because we're lazy or anything like that...we have had two finches living in there since before Christmas! It is so cute! I just can't take it down. There was only one at first-he is just normal finch colors. I named him Petie (Sneaky Pete is his real name cause he has been pretty sneaky, but I've shortened the name a little) Then every once in a while a red one would show up. She would only stay for one night at a time & come back a few nights later. So...I named her Booty Call! lol She has been coming to stay every night for quite a while. They get so snuggled up in the garland. They have been security for the house too. When the pizza man, or chinese food man, or any other man comes to the door, they fly out really fast right in front of their face! haha I love them! I thought since it got warmer that they would leave us, but I guess not. It's nice having them around! We have tried to take pictures of them, but they turn out too dark :(


VNG said...

Booty Call and Petie! That is too cute! Did they just come from outside?

Joanna said...

That is so funny! A bird got stuck in our chimney the other morning. It squawked like crazy for about an hour and then finally got free. I would have felt bad for it except it was 5:00am and I was trying to sleep on the couch after Robby left for work. So it just made me mad. Your bird story's much cuter.

Bridget said...

Funny birds! Just so you know, I never told you this but I always loved how the front of your house looked. You always have it so cute for the different seasons. (the christmas garland reminded me of that) I used to drive by and get jealous about how cute your decorations were. ;)