Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mumbo Jumbo

Just a few miscellaneous thoughts...

First of all, as you can see, I changed the background template. Why didn't anyone tell me it would be a great idea to save the previous one first!?! It would have been great. It deleted all of the links to the blogs I read & also deleted all the pics on the side! Not funny!! Atleast I don't have a billion links or anything, so it wasn't too hard to remember them all ;) Once I get home, I need to upload some new pics to the side & I will be done!

More storms coming tonight...again! I've always loved rain & storms, but tornadoes-not so much! They kinda make me freak out! Thank goodness I have family & friends that freak out too :) lol My cousin in-law will be coming over tonight, until the storms pass!

Daniel & Brenden cleaned out the garage last night & it looks beautiful! They wanted to get it to where I could park my car in there. It'll make me feel a little more safe. I will still find something to worry about though, I promise! Like this... I worry that when I pull into the garage someone will run in behind my car as I am closing it. The when I get out, I am stuck inside my garage with this stranger & I can't run away. See, I told ya. I'm not crazy though. Really! Daniel will try to tell you otherwise.

We will be going to the Main St. Art's Festival this weekend! It's always a lot of fun. We are taking Brenden with us this year. I think he will really enjoy it! I will take the camera & hopefully have some good pics to share!


Joanna said...

The new blog is cute! That happened to me too. I had to try to remember everyone I had linked and I'm sure I'm still missing some people! I thought maybe I did it wrong.
You are not crazy! Everyone worries about random stuff! I love that there is such freedom in knowing Christ and His protection. I don't know what I would do without it, I would be a basket case! I love knowing that we are protected in Him!

VNG said...

Sorry I didn't tell stinks when that happens. There's got to be a way to save those links and stuff. I might change mine again, my husband says it's too girly now...