Monday, February 25, 2008

Only Survivor

Daniel had a fire a couple weeks ago, which totalled the house. While they were inside looking for people, they spotted this mannequin head in a closet. Daniel had walked out through the garage & another fireman threw it out the window for him to catch. If my home ever catches on fire (which I pray it doesn't), I hope the firemen don't try to find something funny within it! He does say, a fireman's best day is another person's worst! By the way, the owner's were not home at the time of the fire, & nobody was hurt :) It was possibly set by the owner's, because it was in the process of being forclosed!


Renae said...

That is too funny.. When I saw that picture I totally laughed.

Joanna said...

Ha! That is so funny! I can imagine Daniel cracking up. Glad those guys have a sense of humor - it probably makes all those tragedies easier to deal with.

Renae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Renae said...

I read your comment on my page-you can guess but I'm not telling jsut yet. ( haha)

Bridget said...

Oh my golly! That's so funny! My mom had a bunch of those when I was little. She used to practice hair cuts on them. They used to scare me!