Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
i'm sure you've heard about burger king coming out with the "flame broiled" smelling cologne. well, on the news tonight they were doing the "viewer's voice" segment & this dude called in and left a message saying this...(oh, you know we are in texas, so add that country po-dunk voice with it)
"thank god burger king finally came out with that cologne that smells like a hamburger. my wife weighs 437 pounds & it's about time she paid some attention to me!"
haha!!! i was rollin'! it was too funny (and unbelievable at the same time). i'm hoping it was a joke. he did sound pretty serious though.
Posted by Kelsie at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Christmas lights...long overdue post.
Posted by Kelsie at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
He knows where his present is!
he will not leave this tree since i wrapped his present! i put it way up under the tree, thinking he may smell the massive candy cane bone. he just puts his big nose (and half his body) right up under that tree to try & pull out the tissue paper from his bag, to sneak a peak. i'll hear him from the other room, growling at us, because he just can't stand it. he's almost as bad as daniel & i! :)
we usually know what we are getting before Christmas even gets here. we just can't keep our presents for each other a surprise. the year we got married, we had to go out & buy more gifts for each other, because the week before we opened all our presents! haha we just couldn't wait. since then, i have not wanted to know what i am getting!
Posted by Kelsie at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
dang starbucks hot chocolate
Posted by Kelsie at 10:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas traditions...a new one!
This picture is just priceless. He was playing peek-a-boo behind the trees. I love this little man to pieces!
We can't wait to go back next year. This place is wonderful! Thanks, Mainstay Farms for a beautiful tree!
Posted by Kelsie at 9:54 PM 0 comments