I love the traditions that we have & making new ones! Well, we have a new one. We usually just go to a nursery or a Christmas tree lot to get our tree, but I thought we should cut one down this year. My mom, dad & brother wanted to go along with us. We had so much fun! We went to the same place where we got our pumpkins from. They also do Christmas trees. Here we are on the wagon, waiting to be taken out to the fields...
I am so sad I'm not in this picture! It would have been a great family picture! Well, I guess it still is, just missing me! :)
Here are some of the trees they have. They grow three different varieties, & they are all so beautiful!

This picture is just priceless. He was playing peek-a-boo behind the trees. I love this little man to pieces!
Here is the tree we got. We let little man decide which one he liked.
Bubba got a needle stuck in his glasses while he was helping with the tree. It's one of those...you gotta be there kind of things. It was quite funny! :)
And... look who I got to see again!!!!! Kong!!! I still want a donkey, in case anyone was wondering. (you know, Christmas is coming!) wink, wink
Chocolate man decided he wanted to help trim some of the limbs once we got home...

This picture is just priceless. He was playing peek-a-boo behind the trees. I love this little man to pieces!
We can't wait to go back next year. This place is wonderful! Thanks, Mainstay Farms for a beautiful tree!
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