Daniel (and Brenden) did the lights on the house the week of Thanksgiving, but I am just now getting around to posting about it?!? Last year when Daniel was doing the lights, Brenden couldn't stay off the ladder. He just wanted to be up on the roof, and this year was no different.

I'm not too crazy (to put it lightly) about heights, so I was half way up the ladder just making sure Brenden was safe & secured.

I think Daniel did a good job securing him, don't ya think? haha! Looking at it now, makes me think of something off the Christmas Vacation movie.

Here he is helping hand over some lights...

Well, here is a picture of the house, finished. All though, our camera is awful, so the picture is as well. You couldn't see the lights with the flash on & when you turn it off, you can't move at all, or it looks like this...but, if you look closely, they each look like little swans (they are normal lights, i promise)! :) It looks beautiful in person!

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