Friday, January 30, 2009

Our Ice Day

We had an ice day on Wednesday & got to stay home. We had quite a bit of ice that had fallen overnight. So much that we had our own ice rink in front of the house! We got bundled up after breakfast & headed out to "skate" around, and also play some hockey. Doodle saw me putting on my ear muff things & asked, "what are you doing?" I told him, then he said he wanted to put his on. I told him, he didn't have any, but that we would have to buy him some. He was already on the other side of the house getting whatever he was going for. He came around the corner like this...
I thought it was so cute. He went and got his ear muff things we got him at the air show! Whatever keeps your ears warm ;)
We let Easton out front with us. He really enjoyed it also. His favorite part was going along the edges of the street, stomping & pawing at the ice, till it cracked & he could eat it.
And, we got to play ice hockey!!

We spent the rest of the day on the couch, watching a movie & playing.