I was tagged (several times actually) so I figured it was time for me to do it. I think this is what I'm 'posed to do...
First, the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you. Several of the blogs I read have tagged me!! Just look at the blogs I read below :)
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Share six unimportant things about yourself. Or things people may not know about you.
4. Tag people at the end of your entry.
My 6 facts:
1. I pop almost every bone in my body! Fingers (three different ways), toes, ankles, knees, elbows, neck, back (three different ways), wrists (makes a pretty odd sound), and I'm still not too sure what it actually is popping, but either it's my hip or my groin (if that can pop)-really odd, but it feels good!!! :)
2. I sometimes laugh like a Guinea Pig (I know they don't laugh, but how they sound)! And I want a Guinea Pig, but have not convinced Daniel yet! Just wait till Brenden gets older :)
3. I don't eat crunchy fries. I only like the ones that are smushy! And I dip them in sweet & sour sauce (or Polynesian)-This is so not weird, but Daniel seems to think so!
4. I want to own a Hallmark some day. Worked at one for about 6 years, & I just love it!!
5. I have to make the bed EVERY night, or I will not sleep in it! The covers have to be just perfect. If Daniel tries to go to bed before me I make him get up when I get in there, so I can make the bed! I also remake the bed after the ladies leave from cleaning the house, because they don't make it the way I need it!
6. I put ice in my milk. Only ONE piece though-can't be any more than that!
OK, on to the tagging. There are so so many people I want to know 6 random facts about that my list would be forever long, so if you are reading this, YOU'RE TAGGED!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Guess it's my turn...
Posted by Kelsie at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
For Sale!!
Posted by Kelsie at 3:49 PM 4 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Meltdown & Some Action
Posted by Kelsie at 10:09 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Only Poop!
Well, not a lot going on 'round here. Just trying to stay cool-it is HOT!! Not much to blog about either, so don't mind me while I just ramble on for a bit. Speaking of(well, I guess I didn't speak anything about it, but I was thinking about it), y'all know, you can leave comments on this thing, even if you don't have a blog account!?! Just lettin' ya know, because I have found out that there are several peeps that read this, & we didn't know you did :) Just sayin.
Daniel's fire truck (well i guess it's not really his-one of Ft Worth Fire Dept's fire trucks) broke down last night, so Daniel was not able to go to a house fire right behind the station he was at. He was quite angry!! People were coming up to the station saying there's a house on fire!!! Yea, I'm sorry, we can't do anything about that...you'll have to wait till the other engines come.
Speaking of angry, that's one of Brenden's new things he likes to say. The other day I was asking him to do something & he looked at me, scrunched his face up & said "I'm angry!" Oh, really! I try all I can to not laugh, because it's so cute! I guess he's just learning all his emotions.
You're probably wondering what the title has to do with this blog...well Brenden loves cereal! I think it's his most favorite thing since sliced bread. Yesterday I gave him a baggie with some cereal in it, for him to eat on the way to school. There was some left in it once we got there, & he said he wanted to keep it in his seat to eat after school. After I picked him up, we went to see Daniel at the station & when we left he asked to have the cereal. Well, it got really hot being in the car during the day! So, I said let's let it cool off, once we get home & then you can have it. He didn't like that too much. I said hot cereal can burn your mouth(i know, not really)& it's nasty! He said "hot cereal isn't nasty, only poop!!! LOL I was rollin' & so was he. Then he said "boys say that". Yea, I know!
Just a little FYI...you only have 5 business days to get your inspection done, once it's up! I have always thought you had 30 days. Like, mine was up in June, so I thought I just needed to get it done by the end of this month. Well I was pulled over last week & found out differently. But I didn't get a ticket, cause Daniel's a fiya fita :) We should be in the record books or something, because Daniel's registration has been up since October 07! haha We are trying to make it to October of this year, so we don't have to pay now & then pay again in October, because they make you get it done in the month it's up.
Alrighty, guess that's all for now. Y'all have a good rest of the week!!
Just in case anyone else cares...Dallas Star's 1st pre-season game...September 23rd!!!!
Posted by Kelsie at 11:29 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Themed show & tells
Posted by Kelsie at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Look what we got!!!
Posted by Kelsie at 8:28 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Our 4th
Posted by Kelsie at 1:08 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
4th of July Parade
Posted by Kelsie at 10:58 AM 2 comments