Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Look what we got!!!

We both got our first tattoo today!! Yes, mine was quite painful! Apparently the top of your foot would not be the best place to experience your first tattoo! But, that's where I've always wanted it :) Daniel said(he went first) it just feels like someone scratching you. SURE!! Um...let's see...it felt like someone had a ball point pen, stuck inside my foot & drug it through! Glad I didn't plan on getting anything big, because it would have probably just gotten half way done. But I am glad Daniel & I were able to experience our first tattoos together! We never thought we would have ever done this, but we love them :) Oh, I was peeking through my fingers, to watch a little!
Daniel, taking it like a man!!! The guy who did our tattoos, came into the fire station one day, while Daniel was on shift. He brought his little girl in because she loves firemen & would like to become one someday! Very nice guy!! Absolute Ink is the name of the shop he owns.
Daniel's is the word grace, written in Greek (the original language of the new testament). His is quite bigger than mine!
Mine is the Chinese symbol for faith. And it's purple!! I worry pretty often (um-all the time), so I just wanted to have something for me to look at & remind me, to just have faith. I pray about worrying all the time, but I just can't seem to turn it all over to God. But, I'll get there, someday.
Doodle got a tat also! lol He picked his out of some temporary tattoos we got. His is a cross with a tiny heart in the middle. He wanted it in the same place daddy had his! Isn't he a handsome cowboy!?!


Bridget said...

yall are so cool..and brave. I love that you both picked something meaningful. I wish I was that creative.

Renae said...

WHOO HOO!!! Love It!!! That's defintely something fun to experience as a couple together what a woderful memory yall will have.

Joanna said...

Wow! You are brave! And they look great. I love the meanings.