Friday, July 25, 2008

Meltdown & Some Action

Yea, we both had a meltdown tonight. He started it, so I just let it all out, right along with him. Little man hardly ever gets real upset about anything, but sometimes he just needs to cry & get it all out. That's exactly the way I am. Something so small can set me off & I'll just cry. Well that's what happened tonight with Brenden. It was Pringles that made him lose it. Pringles. Sour Cream and Onion Pringles to be exact. He wanted some (before dinner), and got them out of the pantry, I saw the handful he had & asked him to hand them to me, & I would give him a few. Yea, um...he lost it. He just cried & was so upset. Not only about the Pringles, I just think he thought about all kinds of things. Then he knew I was upset, and I don't think that helped any. I hate him being sad. Hate it. We both went and got on my bed, snuggled & just cried while we were looking at each other. The night got better though! And it ended good & that's all that matters :) I love him...
Then... look what went on across the street!! Don't know why yet, but I'm gonna find out! He doesn't live there & she's the nanny, so I'm not sure who this dude was. Sorry for the blurry whiteness at the top & bottom of the pic. I took it through our front window-it's the blinds.


Joanna said... are so cute. I love that you snuggled and cried together. It's good to have someone to cry with and sometimes you just need a good cry! He is such a sweet little thing.
And I think it's hilarious that you snuck your camera through the blinds to get a pic of the action! :)

Renae said...

How sweet!! That's really good that you both got to cry together and get it all out.
Good Pic.. Looks like we both got some action in our neighborhood this weekend.