Oh, the great State Fair of Texas. We went on Tuesday, which was a beautiful day! I have been every year of my life. Every year. Not missed one (neither has my brother or mom) & we usually go a couple times each year. It's so much fun seeing it through Brenden's eyes now. He has a ton of fun! Here are a few pictures from our day...
Brenden with the longhorn (can't remember his name...something like Pete, maybe?)
This pig was going crazy over Brenden! He would not stop oinkin'! He was so excited-it was cute.
This is while we were in the petting zoo. Feeding a baby giraffe...
Feeding a camel (she had just had a baby who was SO fluffy & soft)...
Couldn't help but take a picture of the baby lamb in the tire...
Ok, here it is...one of the new foods this year...chicken fried bacon! I feel a heart attack coming as I'm sitting here. They seriously just fry up some bacon. I took a bite of it, & was not too crazy about it, but my mom, Daniel & Brenden liked it. Along with the butt-load of people in line getting it. I, personally, will stick to my usual...ready for this...fried pb&j w/ banana, fried oreos, & fried cookie dough(which just makes me melt)!!
Brenden standing in front of Big Tex...
Here are a few of the rides he rode...
This was a fire truck ride. As it went around, the ladder part went up & down, & he could spray water at the fake fire in the windows...
Daniel & Brenden on the caterpillar roller coaster. Which I think Daniel enjoyed more than Brenden. Here he is hanging onto the antennae...
One of the rides Brenden & I rode, which went pretty high in the air...
And, of course, we had to make a sand bottle thing. I made so many of these growing up. This was his first & he enjoyed playing in the sand :)
The ride home...
We love going to the fair. It's just a great tradition we've always had. I meet people that were born here & have never been to the fair! That just blows my mind. I mean...look at all the wonderful food you're missing! ;)
I have NEVER been to the fair! I've always wanted to go but it's not Cesar's cup of tea.
Wow - that's a lot of fried food! :) I love how you can eat whatever you want and still stay fit. I will live vicariously through you! I have to admit I've never been a fan of the fair. But looking at your pics makes me want to give it another chance! Looks like so much fun and it's great that Brenden will have that tradition!
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