Yea, it's Wednesday, & I'm just now getting around to talking about the weekend we had. Oh well, I think it took me that long to process it. We were going, going, going. A couple stores were having a grand opening right by our house, so we went there first thing. Did a couple other errands, then went to Grapevine for the Butterfly Flutterby. The Monarchs are migrating to Mexico now, & they do this event every year at this time. Brenden likes butterflies, so I thought it would be fun. We enjoyed it! Here is his envelope with his butterfly in it, getting ready to be released.

On top of Daniel's shoulders, trying to open the envelope to release the little guy...

Here is Brenden's butterfly!!

Then he also got to see the train pull in, which I think he enjoyed more than the butterfly activities :) After that, we did lunch, nap, shopping & more errands. I'm wore out thinking about it again.

Then, Sunday, we went to the fair. Again. Were there 10 hours. It was closing day & we had a blast. This time I only had fried cookie dough (again), fried oreos, & 2 watermelon drinks. I think I did pretty good! I also rode the Texas Star Ferris Wheel. Which is ginormous! I've gone to the fair every year of my life, more than once & have never ridden it. Probably because I am not too crazy about heights. But, Brenden was so excited to get on it, so I did it for him. We were all able to ride in the same "cage." Here is my mom, Jessica (brother's girlfriend) & my brother. Daniel, Brenden & I were sitting across from them. Brenden loved it. I don't know what it was like. I had my head almost buried between my legs clinching onto anything I could with my hands.

Then, Daniel & Bubba got on a ride together. I don't even know how to explain this thing. It had a G-Force of over 5! It went upside down, round & round & inside out! Serious.

Here they are being flipped around...

And upside down...They love stuff like this. Whatever floats your boat!

Here is Brenden on one of his rides. Look at the half naked mermaid, with her hair covering her boobs. Think that's appropriate for a kid's ride??
Already excited about the fair next year!
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