And it's cold. Already. The first freeze usually doesn't come till the end of November here, well tonight's low is 30! It does get us more in the mood for pumpkin carving, though. This year, since Brenden knows shapes, we thought it would be fun to let him draw the face to be carved. I asked him what shape he wanted the eyes, he said triangles. So, he drew triangle eyes. Then I asked him what shape he wanted the nose & he said circle. So, he drew a circle nose. Then he drew a perfect little smile :) Here he is drawing the eyes...
While Daniel was carving it, I gave Brenden his little pumpkin & some finger paint, which he enjoyed...
Pumpkin, on his head, being cut open...
Doodle & Daddy...
Doodle & Mom...
We had our first fire for the season! Love it!
Doodle & Easton enjoying the fire...
We made fun memories tonight!
Awe! looks like you guys had a great time last night!
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