My mom came over Friday night so I could highlight her hair. We had planned on getting dinner first, & started deciding where we wanted to go. We asked Brenden what he wanted, & he said he wanted to go to the store where his friend is. Ok? My mom & I decided we would just go to a Chinese place up the street. He said, no I want to go to the store where my friend is! I told him we were going to eat, not going to go to a store.
He continued...said he wanted to go to the store where his friend was & where there was a ball, & a horse, and a bucket. I thought he might of had a dream about this, because I had no idea what he was talking about! I asked what his friend's name was & he didn't know. He said he was not in his old class or his new one. I was like, where did your dad take you, and what in the world are you talking about!?! We asked him if he knew where this place was. He said we turn, turn, go over bumps, turn, go straight. :) okie dokie.
So we were getting in the truck, and we decided to get Chinese. His eyes started tearing up! He was determined to go to this place he was talking about. I backed out of the garage, & said what way do I go buddy? He told me every turn to take & what direction to go to get us out of the neighborhood. I said are we going to get on the highway? He said yes. I was wondering if I needed to fill up my tank before we left the area, cause I had no idea where he was taking us!
Some light bulb went off in my mom's head (thankfully) & she said, are we going to the place where you get pancakes?? I wish y'all could have seen the look on his face! He was so excited, we figured it out, finally! He said yes with this huge smile on his face! Cracker Barrel Restaurant (and country store) is the place. And my mom has always called this little ferret thing that has a magnet in his nose, his "friend"! The magnet is connected to a ball (which he mentioned earlier in the night was orange)! He rides a little horse at this place. Oh and his "friend" is in a bucket.
I said, you know how to get there? And he did. I told him he was going to tell me how to get there. He showed me where to go for the highway, what exit to take, & what turns to take to get to the restaurant. We were blown away. Here are a couple pics I took with my phone...

I remember last year he started telling my mom how to get from their house to ours! Guess he's pretty good with direction! Which is good, considering I just figured out how to know what direction I am facing about 3 years ago!

Wow! That is amazing! I felt like I was trying to solve a mystery while I was reading. :) You are such a good mom for figuring it out. So sweet.
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