on wednesday, we went to a thanksgiving feast at brenden's school, which was nice. he enjoyed being able to come back home with us after lunch! then thursday, we went to my parent's house for most of the day. we didn't hop from house to house this year, which was very nice! we did go see daniel's dad & step mom before our dinner, but other than that, we stayed put. we play football every year during thanksgiving & christmas, it's just something that has to be done in texas :) here is bubba, daniel & brenden playing...

while they were playing, my mom, grandmother & i were inside getting things ready for dinner. every time i am cooking-no matter what it is-something comes flying out of the bowl or saucepan. well, this time, it landed on my foot. i was making my deviled eggs & some of the yolk part decided to make it's home there...
here's the set table. i know it's boring; seeing the table is not the point. ok, see the ceramic turkey in the middle of the table? see the ear of roasted corn behind his butt? well, on the other side of the turkey are little candles that are lit. while we were all at the table eating dinner, flames engulfed that ear of corn! not kidding! we couldn't believe what was happening. well, thank goodness a fireman was there, because they might not have a house right now! haha joking. the corn was a little too close to the candle!
daniel picked up the corn & threw it out back. here it is, still smoldering...
we had a nice thanksgiving & have so many things & people to be thankful for! hope you all had a nice one too!
Hey, just got your message. Anytime your going to be in the area just call me-it's no problem to met you. Our Thanksgiving was nice we traveled to Waco to visit Edwards family.
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