tweetie had babies! im so 'cited :) about two days after i wrote the last post, daniel noticed (some of us are a little too short) a couple eggs in there. then she had more! there were 5 (with this pic, you can only see 4) when we came back from mexia this weekend (family reunion-will post on that later tonight)! as of last week, we do not use the front door! when we notice someone coming up to the door, we open the garage, so they won't disturb the birdies, or knock down the nest when we open the door. i pray they stay safe & are healthy! i love having animals around our house.
growing up, when we lived in cedar hill, our house backed up to land, and we had quite a few critters! we had a family of opossum (which one was albino) and we had a family of raccoons too! they would all climb up on our fence & get in our backyard to eat (yes, we did feed them). once we apparently had not put food out, and we heard something on the backdoor. went to look & there was a dang raccoon. he knocked on our door for food-not kidding!
i will post pictures once the eggs hatch :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
5 eggs!!!
Posted by Kelsie at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
this and that
brenden was pretty sick last week with a bad cold. we kept him home on monday, because he had a low fever on sunday, then he began to feel better. thursday, the school called & said he didn't have fever, but just wasn't himself. we went to pick him up early and poor thing, he looked awful! shortly after we got home his fever was almost 102! he fell asleep on our bed, would wake up to cry & fall back to sleep. all i could do was just lay there & cry with him. he got to stay home again on friday though, and him & daddy had a good day together! he's all better now :)
last year around this time, i wrote a blog about peetie & booty call (two little birds that made a nest in our christmas garland, so we had to leave it up until like april)! well...peetie is back with a new lady :) her name is tweetie. she is just a pretty gray, no red. they decided to make a nest in the wreath on our front door. our door has a arch of glass at the top, so we get to see the nest and watch them from inside our house. it's pretty neat! yesterday, she stayed in the nest all day! babies?? we will see...
daniel will be taking the engineer test next wednesday (april fool's day-who decided on that?!?) to hopefully promote to engineer! he has been studying for the past three long months for this. a couple hundred firefighters take the test, but they only take as many holes as they have open-i think it may be like 17 right now. and the guys that have been on the dept longer than him, get extra points, so he feels like it's a long shot, but i know he can do it. God's will we know, but man, it sure would be an amazing blessing! so, send up an extra prayer for him, if you have a chance :)
oh, we got family of the month at brenden's school for march! i wanted to ask if that means we don't have to pay tuition for this month, but i figured the answer would be no, so i didn't waste that oxygen. they wrote a little thing about our family & we got to bring in a few pics to put up on the board at the entrance.
stars are not doing well at all right now. that's all i have to say about them.
i could probably go on & on for a while. but it's all really just mumbo jumbo. just sitting here at work, waiting for the rain to come :) have a nice wednesday!
Posted by Kelsie at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
our sunday morning worship
As I am getting ready for church on Sunday mornings, this is what I usually see & hear. I got Daniel a guitar for Valentine's Day, which he plays it every chance he gets and Brenden loves to play the piano. They make the most beautiful music!
Posted by Kelsie at 10:10 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Bubba
Posted by Kelsie at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Weekend What-not's
Posted by Kelsie at 9:30 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
We have an ostrich!

Posted by Kelsie at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Stars (Penguin) game
We went to the Star's game on Sunday, which ended up being the Penguin's game, because they spanked us 4-1. We had six games in a row at home & lost five of them. Granted we had 5 players out because of injuries (& 1 out for being suspended for apparently trying to "gouge" out another players eye at the end of the Duck's game), but we could've done better. But, we won in Cali last night! March is the month with the most games, so I pray we get to be in the playoffs. Hopefully some of the injured ones will heal quickly, ahem...Morrow! Here's Brenden (named after morrow by the way-i may have mentioned that a couple times :)) on the mini zamboni...
Posted by Kelsie at 1:54 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
His time is changing
About a week & a half ago, Brenden started waking up around 6:30am. Well, that doesn't fly very far in our house. If it's earlier than 7, we don't function properly. His morning routine consists of watching a 30min cartoon & asking for cereal (in a cup). So, this past week I've walked him to the living room, turned the TV on & walked back to a warm bed. Once his show is over, I hear a little voice, "Mom, you told me you were gonna get up!" So, I rooollll out of bed & start the day.
We tried putting him to bed later, then earlier & his wake up time never got any later. Then a light bulb went off in my head. I asked myself, "self, when is daylight savings??" I was so excited to see that it was coming up on the 8th!!! I don't know how he knows, or what changes in his little body for him to start changing his internal clock. Who needs a calendar! I've got Doodle :)
Bring it on, daylight savings! We need that extra hour. Oh, and, uh... Spring, you can come a little early if ya like :)
Posted by Kelsie at 1:04 PM 0 comments