Bren: (whispering as he shuts the door)"there's an ostrich"
Me: "what?"
Bren: "there's an ostrich out there"
Me: "an ostrich? what does he look like bud?" (all the while trying not to laugh my head off)
Bren: (while flapping his little arms like a butterfly) "like a butterfly"
Me: "he looks like a butterfly? wow, i've never seen an ostrich in our backyard!"
Bren: "the other night, daddy & i were eating pizza, we had the door open & an ostrich came in!"
Me: wondering what in the world they did the other night...just went along with his story & giggled about it, telling him the ostrich won't hurt him.
I told Daniel about it on Saturday & he said he was talking about a moth! :) haha too cute! Don't know where he got ostrich out of moth, but I liked it.
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