Monday, March 2, 2009

His time is changing

About a week & a half ago, Brenden started waking up around 6:30am. Well, that doesn't fly very far in our house. If it's earlier than 7, we don't function properly. His morning routine consists of watching a 30min cartoon & asking for cereal (in a cup). So, this past week I've walked him to the living room, turned the TV on & walked back to a warm bed. Once his show is over, I hear a little voice, "Mom, you told me you were gonna get up!" So, I rooollll out of bed & start the day.

We tried putting him to bed later, then earlier & his wake up time never got any later. Then a light bulb went off in my head. I asked myself, "self, when is daylight savings??" I was so excited to see that it was coming up on the 8th!!! I don't know how he knows, or what changes in his little body for him to start changing his internal clock. Who needs a calendar! I've got Doodle :)

Bring it on, daylight savings! We need that extra hour. Oh, and, uh... Spring, you can come a little early if ya like :)